회원들이 가장 많이 본 디자인 뉴스
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제17회 아르테 라구나 국제 예술상 공모전
제17회 아르테 라구나 국제 예술상 공모전
주최Arte Laguna S.r.l., MoCA
대상 일반
분야 멀티/영상
접수기간 2022-06-27 ~ 2022-10-31
접수처 지도찾기
웹페이지 www.artelagunaprize.com

담당자명   전화 +39 041 5937242
이메일 info@artelagunaprize.com 팩스 010-1234-5678
  • 개요

    Applications are now open for Arte Laguna Prize 17! Arte Laguna Prize is the international competition, with international jurors, dedicated to visual arts and design that gives artists the opportunity to join a large network of collaborations, get free visibility and sell their works on the online platform artelaguna.world, win a cash prize of € 10,000, exhibit in Venice (Italy) at the Arsenale Nord.

  • 주제

    The Prize is open to the following artistic disciplines: painting, sculpture and installation, photographic art, video art and short films, performance, digital art, digital graphics and cartoons, environmental and land art, urban art and street art, art design.

  • 기간 및 일정

    The deadline for applications is October 31st, 2022. The 120 finalist artists selected by the international jury will exhibit at the Arsenale of Venice from March 11th to April 16th, 2023.

  • 참가대상

    Applications have no restrictions; they are open to all artists.

  • 시상내역

    First Prize: 10.000 euro Finalists: group exhibition at the Arsenale of Venice; personal space on the new online platform artelagunaworld. [Special Prizes] - Art Residencies - Art Galleries - Business for Art - Festivals and Exhibitions - Sustainability and Art Prize - Emerging Artists Award

Contacts: tel. +39 041 5937242 info@artelagunaprize.com www.artelagunaprize.com

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