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중국 국제 음향전자 박람회
주최General Administration of Press and Publication of
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담당자명 ylang 전화  
이메일 ylangkang@yahoo.co.kr 팩스  

국정이 다르므로 중국 진출 하실분 이번 기회를 놓치지 마십시요.

전시회명: 2ndChina International Exhibition on Audio Video & Internet Software

전시기간: 2006.5.26-28

지점:중국 상해 (INTEX Shanghai)


참가업체 범위:

Audio Video Manufacturing, music studio and publishing institutions

Audio Video replication and manufacturing enterprises

Audio Video publishing and distributing enterprises

Internet Video electronic business websites

Electronic publishing institutions and relevant manufacturers

Animation producing and publishing institutions and extended products manufacturers and distributors

Domestic and overseas judicial associations of Audio Video industry

Copyright agents and entertainment brokers

Publishing institutions of professional newspapers, periodicals and magazines

Producers of films and television programs

Equipments of storing / reproducing / down loading program.

High-tech av outputting products

Products for individual taste

Entertainment products

전시참가문의(한국말) 전시장치문의(한국말)




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