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The Shapes of Space

Alyson Shotz, The Shape of Space, 2004. Cut plastic Fresnel lens sheets and staples, 444.5 x 1158.2 cm. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, Purchased with funds contributed by the Young Collectors Council 2004.131 © Alyson Shotz. Photo: Kristopher McKay

뉴욕의 구겐하임 뮤지엄에서는 4월 14일부터 9월 5일까지 The Shapes of Space라는 이름으로 전시가 열리고있다.

Every cultural period has its own conception of space, but it takes time for people consciously to realize it.
—László Moholy-Nagy

공간은 예술창작에 있어 기본적인 요소이지만 공간을 정의하는것은 어렵기도 하다. 역사적으로나 문화적으로나 수학적, 물리적, 형이상학적, 정신적 또는 정치적으로든 공간을 수도 없이 많은 방법으로 이해하고 정의하며 예술가들은 작업을 해왔다. 20세기 이래로 공간을 인식하고 표현하는 것은 여러가지 미디아로 퍼져나가고 있다.

The Spaces of Space는 사회적, 정치적, 그리고 정신적인 면들을 넘나들며 공간을 인지하며 사회적, 건축학적, 사회정치학적등의 공간들을 예술적으로 재창조해낸 작품들을 보여준다.

Portal to Another Dimension (Deborah)/Negative, 2001. Fiberglass, 50 x 68 x 12 inches. Edition 4/5. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Purchased with funds contributed by the Young Collectors Council.

Portal to Another Dimension (Deborah)/Positive, 2001. Fiberglass, 50 x 68 x 12 inches. Edition 4/5. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Purchased with funds contributed by the Young Collectors Council.

Composition No. 1: Lozenge with Four Lines, 1930. Oil on canvas, 29 5/8 x 29 5/8 inches; vertical axis 41 3/8 inches. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Hilla Rebay Collection. 71.1936.R96. Piet Mondrian © 2003 Mondrian/Holtzman Trust c/o hcr@hcrinternational.com.

Two Cells with Conduit, 1987. Day-Glo, acrylic, and Roll-a-Tex on canvas, two panels, 78 5/8 x 155 1/8 inches overall. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Purchased with funds contributed by Denise and Andrew Saul and Ellyn and Saul Dennison. 87.3550.a, .b.

Office Baroque, 1977. Two Cibachrome prints, 20 3/16 x 39 3/4 and 19 11/16 x 39 3/4 inches. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Purchased with funds contributed by the International Director’s Council and Executive Committee Members. 98.5227.a,.b. © 2005 Estate of Gordon Matta-Clark/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.

Several Circles (Einige Kreise), January–February 1926. Oil on canvas, 55 1/4 x 55 3/8 inches. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Gift, Solomon R. Guggenheim. 41.283. Vasily Kandinsky © 2005 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/ADAGP, Paris.

AXL II, 1927. Oil on canvas, 37 x 29 1/8 inches. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Gift, Mrs. Andrew P. Fuller. 64.1754. László Moholy-Nagy © 2005 Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn.

Himalaya"s Sister"s Living Room, 2000. Video installation with 7 projectors and 7 players in and around furniture and various objects, and wallerpaper mounted on wood, with sound, dimensions variable. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Gift, Heather and Tony Podesta Collection, Falls Church, Virginia. Photo: Courtesy of the artist and Luhring Augustine Gallery, New York. 2004.113.

Untitled 2002 (he promised), 2002. Chrome and stainless steel, overall, approximately: 116 x 472 x 236 inches. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Purchased with funds contributed by the International Director's Council and American Express. 2004.124.

Sarah Morris, Mandalay Bay (Las Vegas), 1999. Household paint on canvas, 213.4 x 213.4 x 5.1 cm. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, Purchased with funds contributed by the Young Collectors Council 2000.121. © Sarah Morris

Liam Gillick, Trajectory Platform, 2000. Anodized aluminum and red opaque Plexiglas, 121.9 x 243.8 x 3.8 cm; height from floor variable. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, Purchased with funds contributed by the Young Collectors Council 2001.28

Naum Gabo, Column, ca. 1923 (reconstruction 1937). Perspex, wood, metal, and glass, 104.5 x 75 cm
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, 55.1429 © The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York

Yuken Teruya, Notice Forest, 2005 (detail, McDonald's Happy Meal bag). Five paper bags, (McDonald's Happy Meal, Godvia Chocolatier, Tiffany & Co., Banana Republic, Christie's), installation dimensions variable. Solomon R. Guggenheim, New York, Purchased with funds contributed by the Young Collectors Council 2005.31 © Yuken Teruya

Piotr Uklański, Untitled (Dance Floor), 1996. Plexiglas, colored lightbulbs, raised floor structure, computer-controlled sound system, dimensions variable. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, Purchased with funds contributed by the International Director's Council and Executive Committee Members: Tiqui Atencio, Christina Baker, Ruth Baum, Edythe Broad, Jana Bullock, Rita Rovelli Caltagirone, Dimitris Daskalopoulos, Harry David, Shirley Fiterman, Laurence Graff, Nicki Harris, Dakis Joannou, Rachel Lehmann, Linda Macklowe, Peter Norton, Tonino Perna, Simonetta Seragnoli, Cathie Shriro, Ginny Williams, and Elliot K. Wolk, and Sustaining Members: Linda Fischbach, Beatrice Habermann, and Cargill and Donna MacMillan 2006.72

"The Shapes of Space"의 경우,
공공누리"출처표시+상업적 이용금지+변경금지" 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다. 단, 사진, 이미지, 일러스트, 동영상 등의 일부 자료는
발행기관이 저작권 전부를 갖고 있지 않을 수 있으므로, 자유롭게 이용하기 위해서는 반드시 해당 저작권자의 허락을 받으셔야 합니다.

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